Our planet is suffering, and we must act now to avoid aggravating the situation and the impact that each of us has on the earth. We are gradually becoming aware that our actions and behaviour could damage entire ecosystems. We see that there is a revolution in thinking taking place that is leading us towards a more sustainable and planet-friendly era.
Our mobility is changing, turning to electrical energy. Hydroelectric dams are being built, which today produce 65% of Switzerland’s energy needs, wind farms are being set up to produce clean energy and we are seeing many roofs covered with solar panels. Each of us, in our own small way, can also help limit the damage, starting right at home.
Unfortunately, there are still many homes that are heated with oil-fired systems. There are also more modern properties that burn gas to heat rooms. We know that both solutions create waste that is released into the environment. There are pellet or coal-fired systems, and these are not environmentally friendly either. So, what can we do to avoid polluting without spending a fortune?
Let us start by adjusting the temperature in our homes downwards. There is nothing to stop us from wearing a sweatshirt indoors during the winter instead of the usual T-shirt. This action has no impact on our wallet!
Of course, it costs money to change the windows in your home, but you should be aware that a large part of the heat loss occurs through the windows. It is expensive to replace them with double or triple glazing, keeping the heat inside during the winter, but it will be a long-term saving compared to what you would have spent by continuing to ‘throw heat out of the window’.
Insulating building walls and roofs is not cheap. But even in this case you will achieve important benefits in the long term. There is a lot of heat loss through poorly insulated walls and roofs.
A heating system that replaces fossil fuels is expensive, as we all know. But it is a good investment. The benefits for the environment, for your wallet and for the value of your property will motivate you to take this step.
Another good investment, if possible, is to add solar panels to the roof of our house and use this technology for the house’s electricity needs. Today, this technology is probably the cleanest, cheapest, and most profitable thanks to the subsidies available and the resale of the stored excess energy.
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